Independent Cinemas

Operators of Star Theatre, St. Johnsbury, VT, Bennington Cinemas, Bennington, VT, and...Lyceum Cinemas, Red Hook, NY, Roosevelt Cinemas, Hyde Park, NY, New Paltz Cinemas, New Paltz, NY.

Our main office is located in Red Hook, NY at: 7270 South Broadway, Red Hook, NY 12571. The office is open Monday through Friday from 9 AM till 5 PM (and sometimes on weekends). Feel free to contact us with questions, comments, or concerns. Our office manager is Jackie Mangiamele. Telephone (845) 758-3322 Fax 845 758 3030 Email [email protected]

For information about fundraising opportunities or advertising on our screens or on this website, please contact Jackie Mangiamele, as above, or email [email protected]