Screen Ads

Why Does Cinema Advertising Work?

A Captive Audience

- The movie patron is relaxed and in a receptive mood while sitting in a darkened auditorium on comfortable seats focused on the screen watching an advertisement for your company.

The Silver Screen

- Advertising on the silver screen lets you put the power and glamour of Hollywood's "larger than life" aura to work for you.
- The motion picture industry spends $31 million promoting each movie to get consumers into the theatres. Let them help promote your business or service.

No Channel Surfing

- In a theatre, there is no channel surfing. The audience cannot change the channel, turn the page, or worse turn it off.
- The audience is focused on the screen. There are no distractions like driving a car or getting up to go to the refrigerator.


- Your professionally customized advertising message runs individually before each and every show, every day, every week.
- The average movie patron is 34 years old, educated, affluent attends 12 movies a year, and has a household income of over $75,000.

For more advertising information, contact
Jackie Mangiamele (845) 758-3322 Email: [email protected]